Title: I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month

After years of being in a committed relationship, my partner and I decided to take a break. It was a difficult decision, but we both knew that we needed some time apart to reevaluate our priorities and work on ourselves. During this time, I had the opportunity to reflect on our intimacy and how it had evolved over the years. I realized that taking a step back allowed me to see our relationship in a new light, and it ultimately brought us closer together. If you're going through a similar situation, I highly recommend taking the time to focus on yourself and your needs. And if you're looking to rekindle the flame with your partner, consider exploring Latin America dating sites to add some excitement to your love life.


Blow jobs are often seen as an essential part of a healthy sexual relationship, but what happens when you decide to take a break from them? I recently embarked on a one-month experiment where I stopped giving my husband blow jobs. The results were surprising, to say the least.

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The Decision

As a married couple, my husband and I have always enjoyed a healthy and active sex life. Blow jobs were a regular part of our routine, and it was something that I had always been happy to do for him. However, as time went on, I started to feel like I was putting in more effort than I was getting in return. I decided to take a break from giving blow jobs to see how it would impact our relationship.

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The Initial Reaction

When I first told my husband about my decision, he was understandably surprised. He didn't fully understand my reasons for wanting to take a break, but he respected my decision. Initially, there was some tension between us as we adjusted to this new dynamic in our sex life.

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Exploring Other Intimacy

Without the focus on blow jobs, my husband and I started to explore other forms of intimacy. We spent more time cuddling, kissing, and engaging in other sexual activities. This allowed us to connect on a deeper level and fostered a sense of closeness that we hadn't experienced in a while.

Communication and Understanding

Taking a break from blow jobs also opened up the lines of communication between my husband and me. We were able to have honest conversations about our sexual needs and desires, which ultimately brought us closer together. We were able to understand each other's perspectives better, leading to a deeper emotional connection.

Reevaluating Expectations

During this month-long break, my husband and I were able to reevaluate our expectations when it came to sex. We realized that blow jobs had become somewhat of an obligation rather than a genuine expression of intimacy. Taking a step back allowed us to rediscover the joy of mutual pleasure and satisfaction in our sex life.

Shift in Power Dynamics

One surprising outcome of this experiment was a shift in power dynamics in our relationship. Without the pressure of performing blow jobs, I felt a newfound sense of empowerment in the bedroom. My husband also had to step up and put in more effort to ensure that both of our needs were being met.

The Impact on Our Relationship

Overall, taking a break from blow jobs had a positive impact on our relationship. We were able to rekindle the passion and intimacy that had started to fade over time. It allowed us to rediscover the joy of exploring each other's bodies and desires without the pressure of specific sexual acts.


After a month-long break, I decided to reintroduce blow jobs into our sex life, but with a newfound perspective. It's not about obligation or performance but rather a genuine expression of love and intimacy. Our relationship has only grown stronger as a result of this experiment, and I encourage other couples to consider taking a break from certain sexual activities to reevaluate their relationship dynamics.